​​Welcome to Real Acts of  Caring (RAC) - with a focus on mental health and the Environment this year 

RAC is doing something kind for another and not expecting anything back. Sometimes, we can get caught up in doing kind things for others that we dial back on kindness for ourselves.  Browse our website and find out how you can do a RAC for yourself right now!

​​It feels good!

"I used to be a bully but now I RAC."  Devon, grade 8

RAC is doing something CARING and kind for another and not expecting anything back.

Celebrate RAC Week 2025!

February 9-15,2025 (Focus: Mental Health and the Environment)

We are inviting as many people as possible to get involved in RAC by committing caring and kind acts. RAC Week is simply a way to highlight RAC, but RAC can happen anytime. See our RAC Ideas page to help you get started.

You are invited to attend a 45-minute RAC Virtual Pep Rally on Thursday, February 6! The rally is being created by students from the Okanagan Skaha School District (67) for K-7 classes and is designed to share the science behind kindness, examples of ways to be kind, and reflections on the impact of kindness.  These students will also facilitate interactive sharing and connections from students across the province.  Sign up link to follow shortly!