Draw a positive picture with sidewalk chalk that will brighten someone's day.

Do chores without being asked to. 

Always give your full attention to someone when they're talking.

Speak up for someone that is being bullied.

Let someone else choose the TV show.

Say "please" and "thank you".

Smile at a stranger in the hallway.

Invite a schoolmate who is sitting by themselves to join your game.

Start a conversation with a classmate you don't normally talk to.

Thank a school employee.

Sit with someone new at lunch.

Point out (in a kind way) when someone's shoe is untied, or backpack unzipped.

Leave a note of encouragement on someone’s desk or locker.

Greet your neighbours when you see them.

Write a note to a relative with whom you haven't connected in a while.

Compliment someone.